70 000 659
Παγκύπριος Αριθμός
[email protected]
Treatment of Panic Disorder
Treatment of Depression
Phototherapy (White Light System)
Treatment of Hypochondria
Treatment of Gender Identity Disorder
Treatment of Cannabis Dependence
Treatment of Dependence on Methamphetamine (Crystal Ice)
Cocaine Dependence Therapy
Treatment of Heroin Dependence
Alcohol Dependence Treatment
Treatment of Benzodiazepine Dependence
Treatment of Pathological Involvement with Gambling
Short-term Non-Substance and Behavioral Dependency Program
Treatment of Oniomania
Genetic Analysis for Obesity
Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Treatment of Acute Stress Disorder
Electroconvulsive Therapy - ECT
Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome Treatment (WKS)
Treatment of Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome
Treatment of Schizophrenia
Treatment of Mental Disorders in Down Syndrome
Treatment of Paranoid Personality Disorder
Δικανική Ψυχολογία
Θεραπεία της κατάθλιψης με διακρανιακή μαγνητική διέγερση (rTMS)
Θετικό αλκοτέστ. Ευκαιρία για απελευθέρωση απο την εξάρτηση του αλκοόλ
Epilepsy Treatment
Headache Treatment
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
Treatment of Vascular Dementia
Treatment of Vascular Stroke Incident
Alzheimer's Dementia
Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia
Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy
Treatment of Herpes Neuralgia
Treatment of Essential Tremor
Treatment of Alcoholic Polyneuropathy
Pharmacogenetic analyzes and Dementia
Treatment of Fibromyalgia
Postoperative Delirium Treatment
Home Patient Assessment with Dementia
Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
Pharmacogenetic Anticonvulsant Medicines
Θεραπέια Πάρεσης Προσωπικού Νεύρου
Θεραπεία του ιλίγγου
Θεραπεία Διάσεισης Εγκεφάλου
Θεραπεία Διαβητικού ποδιού
Θεραπεία Μυασθένειας Gravis
Θεραπεία πόνου σπονδυλικής στήλης με μαγνητική διέγερση
Θεραπεία των διαταραχών του ύπνου
Θεραπεία της ημικρανίας
Θεραπεία του πονοκεφάλου τύπου τάσης
Θεραπεία της αθροιστικής κεφαλαλγίας
Θεραπεία Αυχενικής ριζοπάθειας
Θεραπεία Οσφυϊκής Δισκοπάθειας
Συστηματικός Ερυθηματώδης Λύκος (ΣΕΛ) και νευρολογικές επιπλοκές
Treatment for Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks
Depression Treatment
Postpartum Depression Treatment
Treatment of Gambling and Electronic Games
Psychological Support for Internet Addiction Issues "Internet Based Drug Treatment"
Distance Learning Psychotherapy Program (Online)
Treatment of Eating Disorders
Treatment of Nervosa Anorexia
Treatment of Bulimia
Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress
Family Therapy
Treatment of Parental Alienation Syndrome
Couples Therapy
Anger Management Therapy
Treatment of Agoraphobia
Improving Memory / Mental Empowerment
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment - CBT
Psychometric Tool - MMPI
Psychometric Tool - WAIS
Psychometric Tool - MMSE
Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS)
Treatment of Social Phobia
Treatment of Trichotillomania
Psychology of Children and Adolescents
Psychometric Tool - WISC-V
Support for Children with Divorced Parents
Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS)
Forensic Psychiatry