Treatment of Bulimia

Bulimia is an eating disorder. The main characteristic of the disorder is the increased desire of the person to consume food, followed by self-induced vomiting.

The main symptoms of bulimia are:

  • Self-appreciation is based on the shape and weight of the individual’s body.
  • The person has episodes of overeating: consumes at a certain time a greater amount of food than most people could consume at the same time and under similar circumstances. However, the person feels he cannot control what and how much he is eating.
  • The individual, in his/her effort to avoid weight gain, uses various ways such as self-induced vomiting, diuretic or laxative abuse, or excessive exercise.

This disorder occurs mainly in women, without excluding the event in men as well and it starts usually in puberty. However, there are high rates at other ages.

In Veresies Clinic, bulimia treatment is the first step in identifying dysfunctional behavior. The treatment is done with pharmacotherapy aimed at dealing with the problems that arise from the disorder. On the other hand, psychotherapy aims to identify dysfunctional eating behavior and dysfunctional thoughts about body weight and shape. The person learns to adopt appropriate ways to control weight and effectively deal with the problems that may exist in other areas of his or her life to gain a sense of control and self-esteem.

All Programs of “Veresies” Clinic are approved and supervised by the Cyprus National Addictions Authority (CNAA).