Anger is an intense human emotion that is caused by some riot of intense anxiety, uncertainty and despair. The person has difficulty in manipulating situations that happen in his/her life, resulting in feelings of injustice, insult, shame, devaluation, loss of control, and feels helpless to defend himself/herself, resulting in anger, i.e. a strong and painful feeling, with aggressive behavior (verbal, non-verbal or physical aggression), which he/she expresses against persons considered responsible for the unpleasant situation.
What's happening in our body?
When we feel the anger, we feel some changes happening in our body as it is:
Increase of pulses
- Expansion of eye pupils
- Increased blood pressure
- Increased body temperature
- Quick breathing
These reactions escalate the feelings of anger and trigger further negative thoughts and these create a vicious circle of anger. This vicious circle can lead to behaviors that are out of control. The person can shout, shudder, strike objects or become aggressive to the people he/she is talking to at this time, and mostly people often feel shame about their reaction.
Anger control
To express our anger with negative words and actions does not mean that it is effective; so:
- take a deep breath,
- change room, if you need, or stop what you are doing at this time,
- count up to ten,
- think of something or someone that makes you feel good,
- try to go for a walk (physical exercise helps a lot to avoid anger),
- express your disappointment in a sure and calm way when you are ready and confident that you think clearly,
- declare your concern and your needs clearly and honestly, without hurting others or trying to control them.
All Programs of “Veresies” Clinic are approved and supervised by the National Addictions Authority of Cyprus (NAAC).