Post-traumatic stress is a psychological reaction of the person to a stressful event, considered by him/her as threatening. This event can be a natural disaster, a violent attack, physical and sexual abuse, war, an accident, the diagnosis of a deadly illness etc.
The diagnosis of the disorder occurs when the person has experienced a traumatic event and considers it threatening for his or her life, feels fear and shows a sense of malaise.
The intense and persistent anxiety reactions experienced by the individual at least one month after the traumatic event develop into post traumatic stress disorder.
The main symptoms of the disorder are:
Recurring memories of the event (which happen automatically) or recurrent dreams that cause intense engagement and disruption.
- Feeling of re-experience, illusions and hallucinations.
- The person, when exposed to internal and external stimuli that recall the traumatic event, feels intense psychological discomfort and has physical anxiety reactions.
- The person avoids the stimuli associated with the trauma.
- The person is incapable of remembering an important aspect of the traumatic event.
- The person experiences great reduction in interest.
- The person has a sense of removal / decontamination or detoxification from others.
- The person is incapable of feeling various feelings.
- The person has the feeling that his/her future is short.
- The person has difficulty in falling asleep or sleeping.
- The person is irritable or has anger bursts.
- The person has difficulty in concentrating.
- The person experiences increased surprise reactions.
Individuals diagnosed with this disorder develop maladjusted assumptions that maintain their response to their wounds and affect their functionality.
Psychological support offered by Veresies Clinic aims at identifying and converting these maladjusted patterns of thought in order to reduce the anxiety experienced by the individual and allow him to live at a more functional rate.
All Programs of “Veresies” Clinic are approved and supervised by the Cyprus National Addictions Authority (CNAA).