Depression Treatment

Depression is a disorder that affects mood, thought, and usually accompanies physical symptoms. The person with symptoms of depression shows changes in his eating habits, in sleep and the way he perceives the image of himself, but also the image that he or she understands. The disorder of depression makes the individual experience a depressive feeling that is different from the normal feeling of depression. In this case, the person experiences a feeling of great tension, has a longer duration and the person's functioning decreases in many areas of his life.

Symptoms of depression are:

  • Depressed mood
  • Loss of pleasure and loss of interest
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Appetite disorders
  • Fatigue, exhaustion loss of energy
  • Decreased sexual desire and mood
  • Harassment, frustration, worry and pessimism for the future
  • Difficulty concentrating and attention memory disorders and difficulty in making decisions
  • Feelings and thoughts of guilt, worthlessness and low self-esteem
  • Physical symptoms not explained by medical examinations
  • Suicide ideas and thoughts about death

The treatment of depression is by pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. Psychotherapy in relieving physical symptoms and reducing dysfunctional thoughts and evaluating reality more effectively.