Postoperative Delirium Treatment

Post-operative delirium is a serious pathological condition that consists of consciousness disorder and global decline of cognitive functions and evolves from a few hours to days.

Post-operative delirium is usually a frequent and dangerous complication of the hip fracture in the elderly. Although the pathophysiology of the delirium is not fully understood, it appears that multiple metabolic and neurochemical attacks affect neuronal function (especially in cortico-thalamic networks). These attacks usually lead to an imbalance in the dopamine-acetylcholine ratio in these important regions of the brain.

Prevention and optimal treatment consist of minimizing or correcting these metabolic and other insults. Post-operative delirium, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders (DSM-IV), is characterized by reduction of conception by reduced ability to focus, maintain or shift attention.

Very often, consciousness decline and attention deficit may vary throughout the day so that periods of clarity alternate with periods of symptoms. A few days before the state of the delirium can precede anxiety, dizziness, drowsiness, transient hallucinations, nightmares and anxiety. Very often speech disorders may occur, which may include incomprehensible, irrelevant or incoherent speech and impaired speech comprehension as well as memory and cognitive impairment.

Disorders in mood regulation are common with the occurrence of symptoms of unwarranted fear, anger, apathy, depression and even euphoria, and sleep is disturbed.

The treatment of the delirium includes both pharmaceutical intervention (after proper diagnosis of the causes of the delirium) and supporters of measures implemented at Veresies the Clinic, such as ensuring a calm and quiet environment, appropriate temperature, meeting the biological needs of the person such as hunger and thirst, dysfunction of the intestine and bladder and maintenance of functionality.

Activating the family and the caregivers is necessary to enhance the sense of security and orientation.

All Programs of “Veresies” Clinic are approved and supervised by the Cyprus National Addictions Authority (CNAA).