Treatment of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

The onset of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often occurs at the age of 3-5 years. Usually, however, it is recognized by the family as a problem when the child finds itself in organized situations that require a high degree of self-control, such as in pre-school or early years of primary school attendance.

A child with ADHD is very active, is disorganized, loses things. He can not stay seated for a long time, runs, jumps, jumps from one activity to another. He is very talkative, makes more trouble than children of his age, is impatient and demanding. It can be impulsive, engaging in dangerous situations, needing increased supervision and sometimes showing it as if it does not think before doing anything. It is difficult to concentrate and do activities that require attachment, resulting in learning difficulties.

Usually some of the hyperkinetic children / adolescents also have other problems such as: antisocial and delinquent behavior, anxiety, emotional difficulties, social skills problems, school failure, learning difficulties and are likely to interrupt attendance.

For the treatment of ADHD in Veresies Clinic, a complete and personalized program is being implemented that aims at the multi-faceted management of the difficulties. It includes a combination of therapeutic approaches that act together by supporting each other such as parent and child psychology, behavioral therapy, pharmaceutical treatment, school-based rehabilitation interventions, family and / or individual psychotherapy.