Relaxing from everyday stress

Our daily lives are surrounded by negative and positive experiences, which determine in the same way our emotions. Some of those experience acts as external factors that can be stressful and cause us stress.

So at the end of the day, so that we are able to find ourselves we need a few minutes of work with ourselves to be able to release the tension of the day, to gain our well-being, to restore our mental strength and to have a good and quiet night that will lead to a good night's sleep.

All this will give us strength for the next morning in order to be ready to contribute to our work, to feel satisfied and to continue our daily life.

The key element in the recovery of our strengths is relaxation.

No more than 15 minutes is necessary to achieve this. 

Deep breaths

For a few minutes we sit comfortably, close our eyes, place our hands on our knees and take rhythmically deep breaths through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

We repeat this at least ten times. 

Walk and move while focusing on our senses

A walk, or exercise in the yard, in the garden, even at home while focusing on everything we feel can help free us from tension.

That is, to try to feel the contact that our feet make with the earth, to listen to the sounds that exist around us, to feel the smells that exist around us and many more; senses that usually go unnoticed by our sensory organs if we do not focus on them.

Find friends

Not only during the social isolation situations that the coronavirus infection has led us to, but in general, human social contacts with friends, relatives and acquaintances can renew our feelings.

This can be done with the help of modern electronic media or, where possible, with direct personal contact.

If you have something on your mind, an exchange of views or a sweet conversation can be a satisfactory support and provide relief from stress and tension.

Even when we are asked to help out with something, it can have a therapeutic effect upon us.

Laughter- Humour

Where we can exchange jokes or anything that brings a smile or laughter with our loved ones, it works very helpful both for all the people around us. The good and pleasant atmosphere that we create around us can bring us closer to each other and increase the positive feelings of love, friendship, relaxation which can make us feel good and enhance our mental health.

If it is difficult to do the above by personal contact, it can be done with friends over the phone or watching something on the internet or on TV, which makes us laugh.

Laughter helps in the secretion of endorphins, natural morphine of our body that remove physical and mental pain, relaxes us and improves our mood.

Listening to Music

Listening to music that we like or just listening to soft music, helps to direct our focus towards our hearing and other senses on something pleasant, which, as mentioned before, will bring very good results on releasing us from tension and stress.

If we have the privilege of playing a musical instrument or singing, returning home can give us the opportunity to concentrate on these skills which will help us to relax and feel good.

Writing notes to ourselves

Something nice that happened to us; let's just note it down somewhere. Also, if we feel grateful for a person, it would be very helpful to mention it in our writings, because it can help to cancel out our negative emotions.

During difficult times, just turn the pages you wrote and in turn it might help you on feeling better.

Need for physical contact

Physical contact with our loved ones, such as a hug or a touch can be as powerful as all of the above-mentioned suggestions.

Even with our favorite pets this contact can also be very therapeutic. After all, it is no coincidence that there are now one or more pets in every home.

In conclusion, we must say that everyone has their own way of dealing with stress and tension.

The ideas mentioned above can be used as everyone deems right for themselves or even find their own ways to offer relaxation and release from the stress they so desperately need.